Empowering Speech Through Music Therapy


Is a child in your life struggling with speech? If so, music therapy could be your solution.

In this study, Effects of Music Therapy in the Treatment of Children with Delayed Speech Development, researchers examined speech in children three to five. 

This study, based on the Nordoff-Robbins method, had the patient and therapist singing and playing instruments incorporating the child's interests. 

The results showed that music therapy had a positive impact on speech through phonological memory and comprehension of sentence structure. Cognitive development increased with the promotion of integrated thinking. 

Watch this video to learn more!


Gross, W., Ostermann, T., & Linden, U. (n.d.). Effects of music therapy in the treatment of children with delayed speech development - results of a pilot study. BMC. complementary and alternative medicine. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20663139/

The practice - nordoff-robbins center for music therapy. NYU Steinhardt. (2021, June 28). https://steinhardt.nyu.edu/nordoff/the-practice#:~:text=The%20Nordoff%2DRobbins%20approach%20to,music%20together%20with%20their%20therapists

Nina A. Lorimor-Easley. (2022, January 25). Identifying phonological working memory struggles and intervening with instruction. Iowa Reading Research Center - The University of Iowa. https://irrc.education.uiowa.edu/blog/2022/01/identifying-phonological-working-memory-struggles-and-intervening-instruction

Young, H. E. (2011, June 9). Music therapy for speech disorders & speech rehabilitation: Center for music therapy. YouTube. https://youtu.be/_06vjUQvMF4 


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